26,000 years ago a cycle began, halfway through we entered the age of the dark light, and now having come full circle we usher in a new Great year, begining with Aquarius, 'Spring'ing us into an age of light,..... those who remember their experince in Atlantis, hear the call to gather and awaken their divine attributes.


Our journey to Egypt purposely coincides with the Libra New Moon - casting an enormous shadow on the pacific ocean. The balance & harmony of Light & Dark polarities within us is a key theme we will be exploring throughout our journey down the Nile, culminating ​at​ the root chakra ​in​ Abu Simbel.

full moon in the sky
full moon in the sky


A great year of 25,920 years also has equinox's, every 12,960 years between Pisces/Aquarius & Virgo/Leo, marked by the sphinx. during the last 13,000 years our planet has been experincing a time equivalent of a great Autum & Winter, a time of more darkness than light.

When when light was in ascendancy the path of initation along the nile was a regular rite of passage. Once the planet shifted into darkness, fear of persecution, meant this became at the time of the GREAT Spring in Aquarius, light once again is in predominance and now we reawaken the old into the new codes of consciousness.


The pyramids, renowned for their remarkable architecture, are known to possess an inherent ability to channel and transmit universal energies. Ley lines, invisible lines of energy that crisscross the Earth, intersect at sacred sites like temples and pyramids, forming a network that acts as the planet's nervous system. This interconnected web enhances the planet's energetic flow, creating a harmonic balance between earthly and celestial energies.

aerial photography of pyramids of Egypt
aerial photography of pyramids of Egypt


place of universal seed activation
Giza is built upon the axis spot where the light of the planet activates the pathways of energy around the planetary grid, these energetic nodes have long been considered as gateways to connect with the spiritual realm and harness cosmic forces, amplifing energy flow within and facilitating communication with higher dimensions.
brown concrete statue under blue sky during daytime
brown concrete statue under blue sky during daytime


The Sphinx of Egypt stands tall and majestic, its enigmatic gaze watching over the hidden treasures within its ancient domain. With the body of a lion and the head of a human, this mythical creature embodies power and mystery. Carved from a single block of limestone, it has withstood the test of time, fascinating both locals and tourists alike. As you approach the colossal statue, you can't help but feel a sense of awe and admiration for the craftsmanship and mythology surrounding it. Legends whisper of the riddles the Sphinx poses to those seeking the treasures it guards. Only the wisest and most cunning can unravel its secrets and gain access to the hidden wealth that lies beneath the desert sands. The Sphinx of Egypt remains an enduring symbol of protection and intrigue, drawing visitors from all corners of the world.

a very tall pyramid sitting in the middle of a desert
a very tall pyramid sitting in the middle of a desert


here we activate the consciousness and the machine we have as our bodies which is Saqqara

a very tall pyramid in the middle of a desert
a very tall pyramid in the middle of a desert


Here we go to calibrate ourselves, our consciousness, recalibrate our energy in the mouth which is DASHUR


It was constructed during the 28th century BC and was investigated by Napoleon's Expedition in 1799. It was excavated by John Shae Perring in 1837, Lepsius in 1843 and then by Flinders Petrie who established the original design dimensions and proportions.

The above picture shows the steep descending passage. It is 57 metres (187 feet) long and leads to a horizontal passage connected to a vertical shaft 10 metres (32 feet) high that leads to the burial chamber.

The burial chamber measures 5.9 x 2.65 m (height: 5.05 m) with its walls lined in white limestone tiles. The burial chamber had a corbelled roof, composed of seven steps.


The Pyramid of Hawara was built out of brick stones and then coated by limestone. It is sometimes called the Black Pyramid. When it was still standing, the Pyramid of Hawara was a large structure that was 58 meters high and each side of the base of the pyramid was around 100 meters long.


Explore the ancient city of Tell El-Amarna, a captivating archaeological site in Egypt. Uncover the remnants of Akhenaten's revolutionary reign and the fascinating history of this once-thriving capital, where archaeology meets a glimpse into the enigmatic world of ancient Egypt.

brown stone Egyptian temple ruin
brown stone Egyptian temple ruin


Home of the Christic heart, the temple of DENDARA, Dendara is the house of HATHOR which is the place where people and women used to learn about love, about about creation, about the stars and about the womb of the universe. it's the heart of the pure heart.

a statue of an egyptian god next to a pillar
a statue of an egyptian god next to a pillar


ABYDOS & The Osireion reverberates at the level of Christ consciousness, which is unconditional love, this is the highest point of the of the heart ; Abydos and the Osireion where we live our six steps of matter, going through our animal part and human part.

a statue of a man sitting on top of a statue of a woman
a statue of a man sitting on top of a statue of a woman


Here we enlighten our inner light in luxor which is the place of enlightenment. having already created a bridge towards the Christic heart in Dendara & Abydos.

a group of ancient pillars
a group of ancient pillars


karnak represents the body - here we recognize that we are here & now bringing the spiritual and earthly thinking into our body, so it is living as information in our cells and not only our thinking-mind.

KARNAK is deep because we have to go through our entire body , all the history in our body, in our blood and transcend ourselves in matter

a statue of a bird in front of a building
a statue of a bird in front of a building


At EDFU temple we recognize ourselves, ‘I am’, to see ourselves and create a new reality knowing that we are the ones that create the reality.

Temple of Kom Ombo with pillars
Temple of Kom Ombo with pillars


KOM ‘OMBO is the place where the crocodile God SOBEK teaches us how to face our fears and go from an animal level to a human level of consciousness,

a large building sitting on top of a cliff next to a body of water
a large building sitting on top of a cliff next to a body of water


Philae temple here we create the bond with the mother in the temple of ISIS which is the goddess of knowledge, where we hold the information of the mother which is ‘the sound’ because sound is the first creation of the universe, ‘frequency’, so we have to know about the frequency of the words, we have to know about the frequency of our bodies and the creation in order to transform ‘our lives, our energy’ and then ‘our matter and our world’.

Temple of Kom Ombo with pillars
Temple of Kom Ombo with pillars


The early 19th-century Swiss traveller Burckhardt (who rediscovered Abu Simbel) thought it was 'amongst the most precious remains of Egyptian antiquity'. The temple, started in the late Ptolemaic period and completed during the reign of Emperor Augustus (30 BC–AD 14), was dedicated to the Nubian solar god Merwel, known to the Greeks as Mandulis. Later it was used as a church.


Wadi Elsebou & Amada Temples

ancient pharaoh sitting monument
ancient pharaoh sitting monument


It's fitting we end our journey in Abu Simbel, the symbol of the root chakra where we put both energies: feminine and masculine all together to enlighten the Kundalini, which is the energy and the frequency of the DNA that goes towards our evolving consciousness. enlightening that frequency which created the bond with the mother at the temple of Philae.


The culture in Egypt is colourful and ready to be explored by the curious. Contact us so we can make sure that you don't miss anything wonderous during your trip.


September 27th to 11th October 2024 - 14 nights/ 15 days


Egypt is an amazing place to immerse yourself into a rich culture, which can surprise you with its history, monuments, celebrations and, of course, food. Contact us so we can help you organize a memorable stay at one of the most magical places on the planet.